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How to connect to the TeamSpeak


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You may need it to join one of our many whitelisted factions or speak to a member of the staff team (You might be requested to "Come TS")

TeamSpeak is a software program used by many gaming communities for many years, you can download it from their website directly.


Once you have downloaded and installed the program, Open TeamSpeak

Click on "Connections" in the top left corner of the TeamSpeak window.



Once you see the window - Fill it in with our server address and enter the same nickname that you are using in server - There is no password needed

Address: ts.cmgstudios.net

When you first try to connect to the CMG Server it will likely ask you to increase your security level - This process can take awhile once you start it depending on how powerful your PC is.

Community Forum - TeamSpeak


It will tell you what the required security level is when you join - Wait for the process to finish.

TeamSpeak 3 Server - Setting Audio Devices


When you connect into the server - Go to OPTIONS

TeamSpeak 3 Server - Setting Audio Devices

Then go to "Playback" - And play test sound to ensure you can hear what is needed - Adjust settings if needed

TeamSpeak 3 Server - Setting Audio Devices

Go to "Capture" - Then begin mic test to ensure your microphone is working - Adjust settings as needed to get it to work.

Click apply when done - Then double click on a channel name to join that channel


If you have been requested to "Come TS" by staff - Please go to "Waiting for support"

Edited by Tom
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