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  4. Your are going to have to make a unban appeal & explain what has happened. You can appeal your ban here - https://cmgstudios.net/forums/index.php?/forum/10-unban-appeal
  5. my friend and my little brother rec this server to me so what dose ban evade mean have i done something?
  6. hello i have got my pc recently and it says im banned idk why i tried logging onto this server my friend rec to me and it says ban evad ive only got my pc recently can someone help me please
  7. are you looking into my apeal


  8. Curty

    unban appeal

    Probably from 12pm-9pm, you can message directly on TeamSpeak if you see her online or message on Discord.
  9. Earlier
  10. hi Keegan is it possible for me to talk with you

  11. Skattz

    unban appeal

    Alright cheers mate, what’s a good time to get one and day?
  12. Hello keegan


  13. If it isn't allowing you to make a unban appeal on the forums go over to the CMG Support Discord & open a forums ticket & explain your issue there. If you have any questions feel free to DM myself or a staff member on discord ~ {Donny_UK}
  14. no one gives a flying fuck

    1. Jay Smith

      Jay Smith

      About who or what? I’m no mind reader mate try and string a sentence together properly. I have faith in you, you can do it!

    2. skciw


      The issue between me and @Jay is being sorted I believe. Please stop further discord messages. no one cares. Shut up. Grow up. Fuck off.


  15. It doesn't let me click unban appeal so I will use this instead. I got banned for toxicity as a permanent ban and I spoke to an admin I know through different games and he told me to appeal it. I wish to get unbanned as I really enjoy playing CMG but I was dumb to be toxic and promise to never let that happen again and make RP fun for everyone else. I apologise for my actions.
  16. The issue between me and @Jay is being sorted I believe. Please stop further discord messages.

  17. hurry thx xx


  18. Waiting in ts 


  19. Best thing to do at this moment in time is to make a unban appeal & explain what happened You can appeal your ban here - https://cmgstudios.net/forums/index.php?/forum/10-unban-appeal If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact me or a member of staff on discord ~ {Donny_UK}
  20. Good Afternoon i got my self a new pc last week and i try to play your server but its says that i got pernament ban i never played on pc before any info please let me know as me and my freind would love to join this server as we heard its realy worth Thank you
  21. yo hugo how do i do the team speak thing


  22. The best thing for you to do would be to go over to the CMG Support discord & make a game support ticket they will get around to doing it as soon as possible & will help you out with this issue If you have any questions feel free to message me or a member of staff on discord ~ {Donny_UK} Support Discord = (https://discord.gg/cmgsupport)
  23. i have lost my account where i made a few purchases on here somehow, i have the same account and also the same email but my character has not changed over. i even have transaction proof of back in 2021. the only thing i have changed is my pc but doesn't everything get saved server side? thank you for your time
  24. no sorry im 14 and i have 142 hours in game 


  25. Huge -1 gang is run by quote possibly the worst person on cmg, always looking for an arguement dont think ive ever witnessed him do RP blacklisted from factions the lot, it would be a mistake for this to happen.
  26. +1 only gang ive been with, calm and collective with amazing RP also if your unsure about anything??? just ask anyone! you will get the answers!!
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