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Gang Application - Matt Triad - 26/07/21

Matt Triad

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What is your gang name? : The Triads

What is your user ID? : 529

When was your gang created? : 15/04/21

Tell us your gang backstory:

Triad Origins - The Triads, a criminal organization established in China, was a branch of the secret hung society. The society was fragmented, and
one group came to London City (CMG) in the Early Months of 2021. Both brothers Matt and the older brother Timeless both leaving China, heading to
London to expand the family and find new business opportunities. Fresh into the city, The Triad family set up a location in the North Side of the
city taking over a Bar/Nightclub (The Hen House) in Paleto Bay. Starting from the bottom like every other new family coming into the city, The Triad
started building up their name and reputation with anything from small arms deals, small drug deals along with running some underground fight nights
in their newly established club. After a few months of hard work, The Triads slowly worked its way to the top, gaining the respect of all the other
family's/gangs within the city. Now being one of the biggest family's in London City, The Family sold up their club in Paleto Bay and took the leap
into moving into the big city. Constructing their very own restaurant in the heart of the city The Triad now looked to expand into different businesses'
using their restaurant as their main base of operations. The Triads now run one of the biggest underground weapon dealerships in the city, run one of the
most profitable illegal drug businesses' and now run one of the largest security firms in the city! Offering anything from one to one protection, property
protection, interrogations, bounty's and even kill contracts (everything & everyone has a price)! Using their newly established, but very popular restaurant
as a legal cover for all underground/illegal business opportunities, The Family also expanded from their small underground fight nights in Paleto Bay to running
the biggest and most popular Fight Night Championships (Monthly Events) in the city, along with there very own Truck Rental, Super-car Rental and Events Business
to keep the illegal money cleanly laundered and legally earned! With all legal/illegal aspects of a business' reaching the top, The Triads have reached levels no
other gang in the city can reach, being one of the biggest, most known and respected family's, The Triad are here and The Triad and here to stay!

What RP does your gang predominantly do? :

The Triad is known for being involved in many different rp situations throughout the city. We are known within the non-gang cmg community for our numerous events that we have put on aswell as giveaways which we put a lot of effort and detail into by creating posters and announcements shown on our discord. Furthermore, the events that we put on have been have had a great turnout and gone to plan very well… this is turning into a weekly/fortnightly thing for us now and we hope to be able to carry this on and build more relationships in the city by doing so.
However when we are not putting on events for the community we can be found rping in many different sectors of gang rp and are known very well in that scene. We are known as one of the largest illegal familys in the city, we are involved with many things including being one of the largest arms dealers in the city, which creates a lot of rp, also we are beginning to get involved with the drug rp in the city(starting by selling drugs at partys which multiple RP familys have got involved in), we also run a protection/security service for other family’s/gangs at the city who can hire us if needed for there rp events. On the legal side of things, The Triad run a restaurant at the top of the city, which has already shown to be very popular with the community and brings a lot of rp towards us there, without us having to go out and organise things, this is great for us. This building is also our main base of operations to mask our illegal activities in the city. More on the events that we put on, we have been putting events now for just over a month and every one has had a great turnout and gone to plan very well… this is turning into a weekly/fortnightly thing for us now and we hope to be able to carry this on and build more relationships in the city by doing so.

What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk?:

This would obviously need to spoke about so its not a meta, but the base of the idea if as follows: As a whitelisted gang perk we'd love to implement the "dirty money" into the city. With all "dirty money" being made from any illegal trades ie drugs, weapons etc. then that dirty money then needs cleaned and laundered into "clean legal money". With out main base of

operations being our restaurant we would love from some sort of dirty to clean money laundering aspect brought into the city where The Triad earned a certain % of
all dirty money laundered and cleaned.

Please Post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s):

These are our current outfits which we would like to use as a base, we are in contact with a designer to make a more custom outfit based off these outfits which we will submit at a later date.


Please post your gang roster:



I confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes


Edited by Matt Triad
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Since the Triads came to be within CMG, they have been nothing but consistent and having good roleplay. They don't just go to war over nothing, and they are genuinely invested in the RP within CMG. For example, there is not a hunger/thirst option within the city therefore along with Ace Cartel, they had some restaurant RP earlier today where everybody enjoyed a nice dinner and it didn't turn into any rulebreaks etc. In my opinion, they are the most organised and genuine organisation within the city - even more than some current whitelisted gangs and they can contribute heavily to consistent RP in future.

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CMG Community Team & CMG Moderator
MPS Chief Inspector

NHS Honourable Doctor || Fire Command Advisor

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Huge +1

Amazing RP

Committed to RP

Widely known



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LSD Grinder Sons of Anarchy Sgt. at Arms | Former Sons of Anarchy and Lost MC President

Member Since - June 2020
Discord: Jam.#4649


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+1 They host crazy events which I have been apart of, incredible RP they have a good theme within there gang and story with their own katana and deagle etc, crazy good gang. 

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Member since 01/12/2019

Best Ex-Moderator out

- Twisterzz

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BIG +1 for triads, always doing good fun RP within the city, hosting fun events and will include everyone big or small in the city. Been doing some good rp with these guys recently even though we are relatively small compared to most but they are proper sound lads. One of the best gangs in the city imo and deserve to be whitelisted. 

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