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Status Updates posted by Granty

  1. I'm trying to explain on my appeal that I haven't done anything wrong. I was kicked for a lua error and that was it. You are accusing me of spawning money and instantly denying my appeal, this is the 3rd time now. I literally bought the donator rank and a few hours later I'm banned, if you don't believe me you can check. It's really frustrating mate all I want to do is play. Are you not able to take my word for it and give me the benefit of the doubt? I wouldn't keep trying to get unbanned otherwise if I actually did cheat then I would have gave in in the first place and gone elsewhere.

    1. Deviation


      Come to Teamspeak on Friday night or Saturday with Deviation in your name and we can look into your ban.

    2. Granty


      Thank you, I’ll come Friday

  2. Hi


    You denied my ban appeal for not putting in enough detail but I didn't even do anything to get banned. I don't understand why I got banned... it's really annoying that you're asking me why I got banned and to put loads of detail in but I literally can't its like asking me to describe the colour black in 2000 words. I haven't been able to play for 6 months with my friends all I'm trying to do is have a bit of fun, please can you re-review or just try and sort something out for me. I genuinely 100% didn't even do anything I can join any other server completely fine. As put in my original unban request before all I had on my screen was lua error and got kicked, then I got banned.

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