Dear MrMickeyTV i am trying really hard with my appeal. ive done as u asked and added more.. please can u review it. i wake up to only have to do another appeal. my discord is speshy38 if talking it out would help.. its been 6 months and my lesson is learned. please help me to play CMG again
Why deny my unban appeal when i literally did nothing wrong, i received a permanent ban for ban evading when i was only on the game for an hour exploring and never received a ban before. Please, email me what i have done to receive the ban as iam confident i have done nothing wrong.
I've been banned for ban evading 1.11 and when i appealed it it got denied, i don't see why as i am on 0 hours. my boyfriend plays this game a lot and i bought a laptop on Christmas to play this with him, I'm literally new i only did the tutorial and went off n when i woke up to go back on the game it told me i had been banned but there's no way I could evade as this is my first gaming computer and my first account on the game. so i don't know if youse have the wrong person but since i have been banned i have read through all of the rules and understand them all so i know for a fact i have not broke any rules. if you could please appeal my ban that would be great, thank you.