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What is your gang/organisation name?: CMG Drug CartelWhat is your user ID?: 328299When was your gang/organisation created?: 29/12/23What RP does your gang predominantly do?: CMG Drug Cartel is always dying for RP like Drug RP, Getting into shootouts, Meetings with other gangs or hosting events. In Drug RP we are always out in the city supplying and buying stock from players or we make our own source of product, Shootouts are always occurred as we are always doing illegal activities either a meet went wrong or a plan failed, Meetings are weekly we are always trying to make our selves known like we always want to make stable connections with other gangs to make some money.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): Our gang resides at the docks as it is used for RP and is a safe place to do meetings, sell and supply drugs and is far away from police hearing a massive shootout but we just like to have business run here as it is quiet and no one gets in our way.What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: light Grey
What is your gang/organisation name?: Royal SyndicateWhat is your user ID?: 1142When was your gang/organisation created?: 16/11/23What RP does your gang predominantly do?: The Royal Syndicate predominantly involves itself in a mix of Non hostile and hostile RP situations. The Royal Syndicate involvement primarily is Cocaine trade deals, Heist Device Deals and different types of meetings with other gangs and organisations. Our Cocaine business is very lucrative, We are currently split 50/50 with Ronin Empire. Our coca leafs come from columbia we have suppliers that ship it over to london for us nobody asks us questions about how it comes over here as we are quite well known. We have people working for us as well in columbia bringing "coca leafs" and we take them and take it over to our cocaine processing building (sandy shores). Our cocaine is 99% pure the 1% is talcum powder, sugar, baking soda and caffeine all that is mixed in together to make it 99% pure. Obvisouly pure cocaine comes in a salt form it is then neutralized with a solvent to make a white powder. Our first step is the workers harvest the coca leaves, then the leaves are soaked in gasoline. Then the cocaine base is dried and then the dried substance is dissolved in a solvent. And the final step is the excess solvents are removed and then it is dried into bricks. We then have the bricks and our workers will then cut it down for you unless you want to be a whole brick of it and do it yourself. The Royal Syndicate are also the minds behind the Heist Device business which has recently become a trade to be fought for within the city, we source our top of the range Thermite for melting the toughest steel gates, Scramblers for disabling CCTV/bypassing any digital security systems & door hacking devices for effortlessly breaking into vaults. Once sourced through our highly skilled heist specialists. We distribute to other criminal organizations who are interested in spending less time sourcing their own devices and more time making money. Currently we are 50/50 for this trade with The Brotherhood but in the future will be running 100% of the trade once again. We aim to have multiple meetings every week with other gangs about future business opportunities, discussing various recent activities within the city and meeting/welcoming new gangs to the city and organising future meetings/deals with new gangs to increase their exposure to the city. Overall the main focus of Royal Syndicate is to increase Roleplay involvement of all gangs weather hostile or non hostile and to further the storyline in cmg.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): The Royal Syndicate resides on an island of the coast of London called Cayo Perico Island, The gangs main building is the Cayo Perico Mansion on the far side of the island to avoid the noise and civilian filled streets of the city. This also mean the Royal Syndicate continues to thrive without constant pressure from the Metropolitan Police Department. This is also where the Royal Syndicate keeps and receives its arms supply, only bringing weapons into the city with them when needed. Keeping our weapons out of reach of other gangs and the police. The Cayo Perico Island has a great private airstrip, this is where our Colombian friends land to deliver our coca leafs. The Cayo Perico Mansion is also a heavily fortified villa with high walls surrounding the main villa with a extra fencing perimeter with a one way in and one way out main gate. The main security risk being our air defense against helicopters, we counter that issue with our own private heli pad within the compound.What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Gold/Yellow
[DENIED] Notable Gang Application - walkerpoundall - 21/05/24
walkerpoundall posted a topic in Denied
What is your gang/organisation name?: TRA (weptsmile What is your user ID?: 1964 When was your gang/organisation created?: 04/04/23 What RP does your gang predominantly do?: our wonderful little, small gang, participates in many wonderful activities throughout CMG for example we would take many hostages for some amazing interaction with the MPS we are also attempting revive the cmg trucking comity with our gang vehicle the bright green Mercedes actross that has provided the MPS with many difficult chases that the TRA and some members of the MPS has enjoyed furthermore my little gang have tried multiple time to get involved with other gangs like LDNU when one of our members got taken hostage and we when on a mission to blow there underground car park up with a tractor and was very successful and killed 2 of them or like with six sense when they stole weptsmiles dog we broke into there shoddy hotel also on the side we do private security for when the MPS are just wanking off in a corner we deal with the dirty criminals who rob our local store and ruin the prices of Fredo's finnaly with the city we are hooligins with molovtoves hosting protests with many civi disupes witt the goverment and we have fought agastis many courpot ploce officer we mannaged to get CMGs first disperso order by the poilice while also being a hidden orginisation that started giving information to CID on multpul gang like when they where doing gun deals and where they where hiding drugs and wepons for trade for exsample when ldnu hd kiddnaped members of another gang we would sneak in take photos are summit them to CID and CT for them to take over the hostage situation Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): our gang location is a t mirror park where the set of mlos are next to the green garage to get there from city you drive east towards and through the Rockford plaza and follow it round to top of st.thomas and won towards legion green and straight towards the strip club and continue north east towards the impound and go over the bridge that cross the LS river into the indstural area of the city and head towards the oil fields when you have reached the oil fields follow the last paved road north towards the old lfb station and fill you car up and proceeds to the new lfb and into the repair shop to fix your car after getting VDM by a truck and go towards thew petrol station north of you and do a U-turn and follow the road that goes by the bottom the mountain and take you first left and we are the MLo on left 3rd one What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: grey -
What is your gang/organisation name?: SSGWhat is your user ID?: 363887When was your gang/organisation created?: 04/05/24What RP does your gang predominantly do?: we were poor in the streets of london we made money of robbing stores but eventualy we started a gang called SSG we started robbing people with pistols as we were new and broke then we recongnised that other more respected well recongnised gangs do the same thing with better guns so we decided to stay in the desert area but still we were dying losing so we took a big step and started buying smg and Natos and it was kind of working but something was mising all of thees other people were 4 5 6 deep and we were only 2 in SSG so we started recruitning we were growing numbers and it was all working we were Robbing Banks Jewlary stores and we were living the life stealing other peoples guns but then we set our eyes on grapeseed gunstore so we tried controling it it was hard as there is other gangs what also have the same goal so we were stuck at a point if to keep doing what were doing or go controll and kill rival gangs. nobody knew us we needed to become know so we started mass recruiting while we were doing that we kept running into other gangs like GMG what we wanted to do something but we needed more numbers we were growing we found people who import modern guns into the city and cars we started going back to grapeseed gunstore killing people and we became a modern gang what goes around the top part of the map with fast modern cars and guns killing other rival gangs.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): We Reside at the top side of the map mainly grape seedWhat is your gang/organisation primary colour?: white
What is your gang name? : Sixth SenseWhat is your user ID? : 312When was your gang created? : 01/02/23Tell us your gang backstory: Sixth Sense was established by Ritual and Sparkz, we founded in February 2023 for CMG. Our focus was to develop good RP with every faction and gangs and create good story lines for everyone to participate in. Since February, Sixth Sense has managed to create a network with a wide variety of factions in CMG. We have adapted to CMG and grown in numbers and have been active week in week out. Using the Continental Hotel as a legitimate business, Sixth Sense have managed to move Guns, drugs and Cash across the city to other gangs. The Hotel has become a vocal point to many events for others to enjoy. Before we owned the Continental hotel, we were renting out an apartment in the city trying to figure out ways how to establish ourselves within CMG. We started networking with other popular gangs and businesses, acting in a well mannered and professional way helped us gain trust with other notable and whitelisted gangs. Which then led onto more RP scenes, deals and business opportunities within CMG. With a few setbacks along the way we have still managed to keep a strong community of members who want to help grow CMG RP. Currently have 40+ members in 6S, we aim to give jobs and quests to as many members as possible. So that they can come up with new storylines. Sixth Sense have they're very own 300KG Vans & Baller locks to help advertise and encourage civilians to participate in RP. What RP does your gang predominantly do? : Sixth Sense predominately does illegal Gun & Drug deals within CMG. However we do network with as many like-minded gangs and factions in the city. So that good RP is created. We are a Mob family that owns a Hotel and Casino, so that enables us to roleplay with PD, Civilians and other factions in the city. So our RP can be a wide variety. Sixth Sense like to encourage smaller gangs to do good RP in CMG. We develop a trust with other gangs so that they can participate in roleplay scenes with other gangs. Which then introduces them to a new faction/gang. What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : We have a few ideas but one of them. Being able to offer the continental hotel rooms or whitelisted building as a place to sleep off and regain health and armour. Each room rented to a fellow civilian will give them health and armour if entered. We would be able to charge and make a profit as a legitimate business, enables us to have more RP with the community. Another idea we had was to have a storage box that allows us to store weapons, drugs, dirty cash past bootwipe. Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): Gang Member: Underboss & Chairmen: Boss: post your gang roster: Roster 1: Roster 2: confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: YesPlease post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): Gang Member: Underboss & Chairmen: Boss:
What is your gang/organisation name?: Green Street Unity (GSU)What is your user ID?: 378636When was your gang/organisation created?: 06/01/24What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Green Street Unity a family gang within the city focus on both legal and illegal work. A couple of examples of illegal work we do is selling guns , cleaning dirty cash and selling drugs. Some examples of legal work that the GSU partake in are Real Estate and Car Flipping. However we mainly focus on the illegal side of work. Green Street strive in giving newer people of the city a chance to prove themselves in a decently well known organization. We always do our best to fully direct our attention to find new ways to make money and provide for the gang and ourselves. As of lately the GSU have been trying to gain trust and credibility between different organizations in the city this will better roleplay between us and other big gangs out there. We always assure our members are of high standards by making them complete a form before joining and an initiation a week after joining for them to show loyalty to the gang. The GSU also have a weekly events that we do every Sunday which increases RP with the gang and its good to learn more about individuals within the gang and get to know more about them. We also do weekly bank heists along with doing the set ups leading up to the heist. We make sure everyone in the organization is treated fairly and not judged by whatever rank they are . On the ranks topic GSU have different ranks some of these starting from the lowest to highest are Probation , people with the rank probation are on a trail period with the gang and have not completed the initiation task yet. Youngsters , this is the first rank in the gang when you are this rank you can access a key to the mansion we reside in. Street Soldiers , this rank try gain intel and information on other gangs within the city and try identify any upcoming plans other gangs may have. Made Men , this rank is to prove yourself to the High Command within the gang you need to show activity and give ideas for RP and vibrant new ways of making money. Now these are the High Command ranks. High Command consists of 3 ranks such as Shotcaller, Underboss and The Boss.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): The Green Street Unity carefully picked their location to reside in. Eventually we found a nice mansion named Mega Luxury N18 just along the road from the gun store in the city . The GSU house is known as The Den. Our gang cherish this house like its our heart and sole. In The Den we host meetings with other gangs , we store items in the storage which are of value to us. If it wasnt for The Den I think GSU wouldnt be where it is today. When we are present at The Den we usually take some time to relax and rest , this gives us some time to think of ways to better roleplay with us and different gangs in the city.What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Yellow
What is your gang name? : fortnite crew 123What is your user ID? : 472173When was your gang created? : 11/09/01Tell us your gang backstory: yuh u know how we do fortnite crew skibidi we own the streets of cmg we all roll in sanchez'ses's yu hearr? we formed our gangg out of gett back shardrackWhat RP does your gang predominantly do? : my gnagn doesa lotss of alchohol and gunz cause wer fuckin solidWhat idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : free mosins every day and a baller car for each crew member (just me)Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: NoPlease post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s):
What is your gang/organisation name?: Ronin EmpireWhat is your user ID?: 1202When was your gang/organisation created?: 18/08/23What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Ronin Empire engages in a plethora of RP our main business we are pushing is our up and coming whisky business the product is known as Ronin's original Japanese Whisky. Ronin Empire aims to use our Original Whiskey as a sponsor for events across the city, Providing high quality alcohol to the citizens of CMG. Ronin Empire also has a wide range of weaponry you can see from the catalogue that is displayed via our Ronin Empire discord. Ronin Empire also deal a lot of cocaine to organisations around the city when needed for events ect. All of the business streams listed are handed over at secure locations that aren't told to the customer until we have already arrived upon there arrival they should either hand the money over via briefcase or secure wire transfer. Another faucet of the legal side of Ronin Empire is our Corporate Design Team. This team offers services such as Invites, Posters and bespoke graphics. This will soon be opening to the public through a ticketing system in our Discord. We hold a regular gang meeting at a set time every week. This meeting is to keep all members of Ronin Empire up to date on current Gang Relations and Gang Affairs. We also host regular team meetings: Security Team which will include drills to ensure the compound we own is secure in the event of an attack from a rival institution, Recruitment Team which discusses ways to recruit more members and to ensure we upkeep our high standards for applicants and thirdly Design and Management Team which discusses ongoing projects both internal and external alongside Business Strategy and any contracted work through our ticketing system for Designs. Alongside general meetings and team meetings we host 'The Round Table' which is our high command meeting discussing big picture ideas, general running of the gang and what we can do to improve. The final meeting style RP we push is our Council. Our Council are a bunch of middle management which vote on passing for probations, promotions and brainstorming ideas. Within this higher up bracket there is Business Relations where in which we engage with new and upcoming gangs to test loyalty and see if they will be a good fit to work with Ronin Empire as we assist them in growing.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): Ronin Empire currently resides at the Cayo Perico villa, with a mix of picturesque views and secret rooms, it is the ideal place to either host a meeting with other organisations or discuss private business at the peak of our tower which is MKs office. In House meetings and recruitment interviews are hosted at our Business Centre Office located opposite VIP City. This is a more central location allowing easier access for member interviews. Our final MLO is the Midnight Club hosted on the outskirts of the city close to the mission row PD Station. Midnight Club is the main location for Design and Management meetings alongside a vibrant backdrop for our photos.What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Black and Red
What is your gang/organisation name?: CMG Casino What is your user ID?: 36 When was your gang/organisation created?: 15/09/22 What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Our organization primarily focuses on gambling and chance games within CMG. We run our organization as a casino offering exclusive poker games and tournaments; furthermore, we provide services such as sports betting. This way, players within CMG can place bets in a new and more exciting way than previously possible with the standard Diamond Casino; they can place bets on IRL events such as football, rugby, e-sports, MMA, and more. We host poker tournaments mostly every weekend with prize pots varying from 50,000,000 up to 200,000,000 or more! Furthermore, our services are rapidly expanding, we are looking to get more included in the RP within the city. This could be meetings, transportation, ingame gambling through discord aswell, or body guard protection. And we are close to a release of our new slot machines; we are essentially a fully functioning casino. To date, we have collected billions in transactions and paid out nearly just as much! We are reliable and trustworthy due to our financial structure where every single transaction is recorded and logged properly to avoid issues. We have accumulated nearly 700 members in our Discord and are coming up on our 1-year anniversary, hence why we inquire to become a notable gang. We additionally look to improve the community, and we do so by giving back large amounts of our profits to the community; to date, we have given away over £100,000,000 in giveaways the last two months, whether this is through casino credit, pure cash, or platinum days. We strongly believe that for people who are just coming back into the community, whether it is from a ban or not, they need a solid integration back into the game, which is why we often offer to hire new players or players who are reliable and trustworthy and have come off bans to make them feel welcome and have RP and work to do within the city instead of falling down the same dark spiral they did last time. To date, we have not had a single negative experience with any customers or met someone who strongly dislikes what we have to offer. We have well over 500 customers happy with the services we offer, and we truly believe that if we were to become notable, this would further assist us in creating a better experience for those who love to gamble and bet within CMG. We gather all types of people, from head administrators to red zone fraggers, to even newbies who simply wish to test our services. They all unite at the poker table together to do what they love, to gamble. Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): Primarily, our organization resides nearby the different casinos or known gambling spots. We are actively looking to buy casinos and MLOs related to gambling, but there has been little luck seeing as we cannot import our own, and there are none for actual sale. All our workers are actively in the city, moving about within city limits in order to effectively collect money in person or through Monzo. If we were to acquire an MLO or a HQ for our operations, we would actively use it to hold business meetings, RP situations, have players come into the building to gamble, wager, and place bets, and host events such as poker nights, slot machine events, or competitions! What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: We dress in white, logo is black and white.
What is your gang/organisation name?: MTFWhat is your user ID?: 318216When was your gang/organisation created?: 20/01/24What RP does your gang predominantly do?: We do many thing such as. Fragging, recruiting, attending in game meetings with other groups/gangs controlling areas such as meth cocaine lsd and more, we also tag along with GBG 42s and hood when asked/needed we like to think we are a more passive gang as we do our own thing unless some 1 gets in our way. we have been verry active and we have a decent amount of members already.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): Same block as hood we are cuurently sharing itWhat is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Blue flag black outfit
What is your gang/organisation name?: Bush Hill Park (BHP)What is your user ID?: 195940When was your gang/organisation created?: 25/03/23What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Bush Hill Park predominantly known as BHP is a Gang that have mainly met with other groups and haven’t been doing too much other than that we have done a few jobs for other groups to gain trust and credibility between these groups. Some of our members have recently got out hands on some imported gun that we distribute within the city such as smgs and pistols but we are looking to getting more guns imported in the future to be distributed. As we are relatively new compared to the more known groups not many of us have our hand on substances to be selling but the few who are getting into the business plan to start selling heroin with our top-quality manufacturing equipment giving us the purist heroin that is available on the market. The few that sell this sell our heroin to the top heroin fiends in the city for the best prices. We also have someone looking into the manufacturing and distribution of LSD as the market is an untapped gold mine with large profit. But we have found that the competition can be harsh in that area of business so we do have another form of business, which is that we accept jobs from other groups as long as the pay is good and it doesn’t come back to us, if we find that it comes back to us, we expect extra payment.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): mega luxury n97 Normandy DR in Vinewood hills but we plan to move location after we get whitelist gang and get our Gang baseWhat is your gang/organisation primary colour?: White suit with a red tie with our body guards having body armor over top
What is your gang/organisation name?: Kurdish House MafiaWhat is your user ID?: 372280When was your gang/organisation created?: 06/08/23What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Protection and Security: We ensure the safety of our fellow members and allies in Los Santos. We stand united against any external threats or rival gangs that may try to exploit or harm our people. Business Ventures: We aim to provide opportunities for economic growth and stability. Conflict Resolution: While we value peace, conflicts can arise. The Kurdish House Mafia strives to resolve disputes within our community through diplomacy and mediation, avoiding unnecessary violence whenever possible. Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): We want to have an area in the mountains because we have a lot of mountains in Kurdistan and it is a part of the culture. We would like to have a verified mansion.What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Green,white,Red,Yellow, all together. If that doesnt work just use plain yellow
[DENIED] Gang Application - soul10394848281919 - 17/11/22
soul10394848281919 posted a topic in Denied
What is your gang name? : Red devilWhat is your user ID? : 273236When was your gang created? : 17/11/22Tell us your gang backstory: flew into the city with nothing and immediately got problems with rival gangs getting robbed had no money so we decided to be better than the rest that's when the gang was created a mixture of brotherhood and a strive to be better than the rest to be the top dogs we stuck together through it all and now no one can stop us there's not anyone we won't take on and weir making sure to bring in the money What RP does your gang predominantly do? : making money not always legally and taking on other gangs in shootouts and turf takeoversWhat idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : a custome red tec 9 gun and a red Mercedes g wagon Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: 9I confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes -
What is your gang name? : Chop BanditsWhat is your user ID? : 254075When was your gang created? : 23/10/22Tell us your gang backstory: The background of chop bandits is very complex we are a gang originally from London that was struggling with financial problems, we moved out to America to Florida where we got financially stable and living a comftorble life to peruse what we was doing back in London selling guns drugs and living our best life. we then decided to move back over to the United kingdom to make are self known from where we were originally from, doing this has made us make millions from guns and drugs and helped expand the size of chop bandits community this has improved our reputation to some important people in the city to get us known not just in Florida but now even more known in our original area where chop bandits originated. chop bandits have started from a small community to now expanding and making us known in the city we are willing to help out around the city and want to do best for our members weather this is renting them cars and supplying them with guns and drugs that will earn them a lot more money. chop bandits first started from a small group of friends who wanted to make it out in life, to live rich and not have to worry about having to save up for guns or cars, we then left to make money to keep our name on a low to then return to England to rule our area we have not had many enemy's beside the met police who we try to avoid or when we was in America the lspd What RP does your gang predominantly do? : chop bandits go out robbing stores as a gang we do as many jewellery robbery's as we can and soon to be doing the bank heist very often. this will make chop bandits a very popular gang as we are rising in popularity very rapidly. as a leader of chop bandits i try to do as many gang related activities as I can with the members weather that is setting up challenges or getting in contact with another gang to do some roleplay. chop bandits are currently in rp with a couple different gangs around the city like the Richardson's and yakuza gang but still getting in contact with other gangs to rp.What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : the idea that me and my higherups have decided is to have an mlo that will be in the middle of everything for example mount chiliad has rebel it has large arms, peleto lodges and not far from sandy this is still something we are deciding as we still need to know where is possible to have an mlo. we have already brought in gang guns but bringing in more is always better we are making are mind up weather to bring in an assault rifle or another smg. as a gang lock slot we are either hoping to make a 1 of 6 or 1 of 12 this will be an off roader that has good speed and Armor that will make a great fragging car. Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): Please post your gang roster: Member - lieutenant - higher up - right hand man - underboss - leader. we also have staff like a support team admin and senior admin who help control tickets and situations in the server. lsd staff - weapon staff weapon dealerI confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes
What is your gang name? : lkcWhat is your user ID? : 309796When was your gang created? : 01/11/22Tell us your gang backstory: kills What RP does your gang predominantly do? : killsWhat idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : gans Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): girl 1 boys 1 Please post your gang roster: killsI confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes
What is your gang name? : T SIDE MAFIAWhat is your user ID? : 145166When was your gang created? : 11/04/23Tell us your gang backstory: Founded by Kay, Stakkz, Twitch, Cal and Conz The T Side Mafia began In the early 2000s as a group of teens who began as mischievous kids who slowly got roped into the life of crime. The gang started with petty crime such as theft and small drug distributions to now where they are some of the most known Heroin and LSD dealers in the city, turning over millions in profit a day. The Mafia have a ruthless approach when it comes to business, and live by the motto "It is better to be feared than loved" underground black market weapon distributions, kid-napping's for ransom and cleaning dirty money through legitimate businesses are just a few of the crimes T Side take part in. The Mafia is organized into families each with its own hierarchy and leadership structure Members of the Mafia are known as made men and must go through a rigorous initiation process to join the organization The initiation process involves taking an oath of loyalty, swearing to keep the organization's secrets and performing a made man ceremony. The Mafia is known for its code of silence, known as omertà. Members are forbidden from cooperating with law enforcement and are expected to keep the organization's secrets at all costs. Violating the code of silence can result in severe punishment including death. Over the years the Mafia has been the subject of numerous investigations and prosecutions by law enforcement. Many high-ranking members of the Mafia have been arrested and convicted of various crimes. However, the organization continues to exist and operate in some parts of the world, albeit in a much smaller capacity than in its heyday. What RP does your gang predominantly do? : The heart of the Mafia is family and the soul is cars. Underground car meets, illegal street racing and drift events are the core of what T Side do. We aim to host multiple car meets a week and allow proficient racers to showcase their skills which we feel is underappreciated in this city. Before we meet with any other gangs we do serious roleplay that involves roleplaying using binoculars for an example, scouting out areas where any gang meeting/drug deals go on days before. We also roleplay weighing up multible substances before loading them onto our trucks/cars to be distrubuted. We roleplay hosting our own family parties for the members to get together and know each other more. The Mafia has plans to open a dealership in the heart of the city in order to clean dirty money through legitimate means. What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : We want the ability to host car meets and illegal street racing where members can bet and potentially do pink slips. We would also like to host drift events with judges and the winners to be rewarded with prizes. And potentially a main base of operations to be a dealership. Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: YesPlease post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s):
What is your gang/organisation name?: Chop BanditsWhat is your user ID?: 297369When was your gang/organisation created?: 26/10/22What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Our gang resolves around making sure that we try and bring back rp the best we can and make sure that no smaller organisations get picked on allowing them to grow.We also have a wide range of items that can be purchased from us (we sell many whitelisted guns that are owned by members in the gang)we also offer drugs(LSD and Heroin witch are available to be purchased at all times).We have a lot of RP meetings with other gangs in the city and try to build a good relationship with all gangs.We are also trying to RP with the PD (to show them what where about)To make sure that we always have a good amount of RP with the PD.We also do a lot of heists (bank and jewellery)to gain more RP with the PD and to improve our money to bring gang vehicles and guns in to the city.We hold meetings 4-5 times a week soon to be every day and trying to set up events to add to the entertainment for that gangs and civilians.We are always bringing up new ideas about how we can make the city a better place.We have been lucky enough to work our way up the having the meetings we are currently in and want to help out smaller organisations to make sure that they can become big and join in with the RP that goes on throughout the city.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): We would like Lake Vinewood Estates Mansion to be out location because we think it is in a great place in the city and away from where all the PD are making and illegal activity easy to do .It has a secret meeting room and even a torture room.It would keep everything we do out of the main part of city so that we are able to do and illegal activity without worrying about the pd What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: black and red
What is your gang/organisation name?: Chop BanditsWhat is your user ID?: 297369When was your gang/organisation created?: 26/10/22What RP does your gang predominantly do?: Our gang is always busy with meetings, events, gun deals, drug deals, and heists. We're constantly planning our next moves and making sure that everything runs smoothly. Sometimes we'll have meetings to discuss our plans as a whole gang or sometimes with other gangs . We are always planning heists and events getting involved every way possible . Whenever where not doing meetings or events we will be doing gun or drug deals Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): Lake Vinewood Estates MansionWhat is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Black and red
What is your gang/organisation name?: The YakuzaWhat is your user ID?: 296419When was your gang/organisation created?: 01/07/22What RP does your gang predominantly do?: The yakuza is a Japanese organized crime group that has a long and complex history dating back to the 17th century. During the Edo period (1603-1868), the yakuza emerged as a group of wandering gamblers and merchants who were outside the bounds of mainstream society. They were known for their elaborate tattooing and codes of honor, and they were often hired by wealthy landowners to provide protection and carry out violent tasks. As Japan underwent rapid modernization and westernization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the yakuza adapted and diversified their activities. They began to engage in illegal activities such as gambling, drug trafficking, and prostitution, and they also became involved in legitimate businesses such as real estate and construction. During World War II, the yakuza played a significant role in the black market, profiting from the scarcity of goods and the high demand for illegal goods and services. In the post-war period, the yakuza became more powerful and influential, establishing close relationships with politicians and business leaders. Today, the yakuza is still active in CMG and has also spread to other countries around the world, where they are involved in a variety of criminal activities. Despite being considered a serious threat to society, the yakuza has a complex and somewhat romanticized place in Japanese culture, with some elements of their code of honour being respected by some members of society.Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO): VineWood Hills Estate What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Black/Red
What is your gang name? : HITSQUADWhat is your user ID? : 65When was your gang created? : 01/08/20Tell us your gang backstory: PRELUDE: When the Gambino crime family and RSK were at war, the most devastating war the city had ever seen. Once the dust settled and most members of the rival factions were either found dead or imprisoned for life. A power vacuum was left behind. This was the dawn for a new breed of gangsters to organize themselves and orchestrate the streets of London. A group of ruthless, ambitious criminals with powerful investors, seized control. The organization, spearheaded by infamous gangsters such as Jaxin, Crnk, Reece, and Gunna. Now dubbed by BBC news "the Hitsquad" due to the vicious nature of the criminals involved. Known for a string of robberies, home invasions, kidnappings, and pure down-on-your-knees executions. In a bid to secure power over the vast criminal enterprise that spawns in the streets of London. The Hitsquad Organization enlisted former RSK consigliere, Vladimir "Rebel" Gagarin. A Russian bratva enforcer and criminal mastermind. Once enlisted and entangled within the ranks of the Hitsquad Organization, he began making such power changes that would ripple through the city and change it forever. Vladimir made alliances with multiple criminal organizations, whilst having the backing of the strongest and most powerful one. He initiated a commission to oversee all rackets in the city. Once at the helm of this table and securing other seats involving crime factions such as the Givenchy crime family and the Camorra. He manipulated his way to a sort of de-facto capo di tutti capi, boss of all bosses. After a series of controlling power moves. The Commission gained control of most parts of the city. The Givenchy controlled the city. Camorra controlled Sandy and Hitsquad controlled the north, Paleto. But also such territories as, Heroin trade, LSD, and Large Arms. The Commission split the control of the Casino equally amongst the families and factions currently seated at the Commission's table. [img][/img] CURRENT: After the catalyst of the 2020 racketeering case against the Hitsquad organization, figurehead and crime boss of the organization, Vladimir Gagarin was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison. 1 year into his prison sentence he pulled off a brazen prison escape. [img][/img] With the downfall of the organization, other crime syndicates in the city stepped up to fill in the void and re-form the commission that Vlad had once started a long time ago. Unbeknownst, the Russian Mafia Boss had "sent for them" - called in a meeting to stake his claim in the commission in an unknown location. It seems yet again the city has fallen under their grasp. What RP does your gang predominantly do? : HitSquad is most notorious for its hits and kidnappings hence the name. The organization offers an extremely professional hit and kidnapping service for a cash payout. We are also involved in extortion and a protection service where we offer protection from turf control, meeting oversight, and finally armored transportation protection. HitSquad is also known for its illegal gun trade, as the organization has access to the largest collection of imported custom firearms. This ranges from pistols to shotguns, SMGs, ars, and finally sniper rifles. What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : we would like to suggest a few perks and see what's available to us. 1. We want a sort of "large arms" in our gang hideout where we can buy our own guns. Without it being affected by the tax in real large arms. We want it working just like large arms. Where our members can go and buy our "HitSquad gun" and their own personal whitelists. Without their whitelist being part of some bigger hive. This way our individual members maintain their own whitelist and can become a seller in our organization to personally sell them off to other gangs. Script wise, it would just be a whitelisted faction similar to the PD and Large arms where only members can go up and buy the guns they are whitelisted to and the "hitsquad gun." We would like them at a stock price so we can then resell them to other gangs, in a form of roleplay which is already well seen around the city. 2. We would also like a black market, so you could sell anything from jewelry, drugs, and guns. This means that other people could come to us to buy and sell their goods for example a custom ar in which we get a percentage of that sale. all this could be done in-game rather than discord. Script wise this could work like the tarkov flea market. Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): Please post your gang roster: - BOSS - Jaxin Rebel Crnk - UNDER BOSS - Aphex Reece - Lieutenant - Gunna Viper - Soldier - Higgs Irish Winter Locus Locayte Mo - Member - Viz Hoodlum I confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes
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What is your gang name? : HBKWhat is your user ID? : 16608When was your gang created? : 08/06/20Tell us your gang backstory: HBK has been a gang that's been around for quite a long time, it has many dedicated members making it more of a family rather than a gang alone where everyone is just acquaintances; we're a family but also business. HBK was made as a business gang with many impressive high quality services that it has offered over an amount of time, I have created this gang to have a place for the people within the community at the time to have a society/community to be included within to help them rise within the already made community, HBK was made as a home, a family but still offer business ideas with other business's which has made us quite close with many of the people within CMG that have power. There's multiple sectors of HBK where we give a lot to the community, it was also made for it to be a gang where people can relax and have fun whereas many other gangs are quite stressful. It was made around 8th June 2020 and was renamed from a different gang back during March although we have never had extreme falls; the gang has always been stable within members and money so we mainly do things to help the community within CMG. The main people who founded HBK was me (Jenny) and two other people named Alex and Kelvin although we've had dedicated members throughout the changes within the gang are also still with us today such as members like Jordan.What RP does your gang predominantly do? : The business deals that HBK offers is either of illegal drugs under ground, flipping cars, guns or we offer many other services due to our different sectors within the gang. Our sectors include Purveyor; this means that they sell goods such as guns, vehicles, houses or they sell drugs underground. Conveyor of Investiture; this role within the gang recruits new members and keeps an eye on the new recruits. Espionage; kidnapping other gang members for the reason of intel or on request from other gangs. We do many different sectors of roleplay although most of it is mainly just general business roleplay where we have many different sectors around the city and round the city, we have got our own casino which is opened to the public therefore we can roleplay as security guards, owner and applicated roles to the members. We have recently introduced a sector of roleplay within HBK, the new sector which is the religion sector for roleplay as we roleplay as priests and many other roles within the church. We may seem like an innocent religious family but we do commit crime. HBK also has a tourist sector which is mainly hard roleplay and a technical undercover sector where they dress as tourists also giving tours on a bus.What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : HQ: Vehicle: I think a good perk would maybe the ability to host public wedding ceremonies, baptizing people also being able to marry people officially where they can share assets like houses. This will make for very good roleplay and interaction with players.Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: Jenny Docta Josh Ky Zelo Char Jordan Sorrow Dutch Fabbe Moth B-Hum Peak Rhys Shivam Max Max Yo my Slime JohanI confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes
What is your gang name? : peaky blindersWhat is your user ID? : When was your gang created? : 20/05/21Tell us your gang backstory: we grew up in a small town called small heath birmingham and where a massive family with the lee boys and all gypsys in birmingham were are very known and my name is tommy shelby the leader What RP does your gang predominantly do? : peaky blinders is a big family who is very known we will use violence if we have to but we are a betting firm and a mechanic in small heath we want to extand our franchasise and make peaky blinders even betterWhat idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk? : to get as many people as possible no scared people,real men who can do hard graft and i will be taking interviews someone yet to be decided.Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: tommy I confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules: Yes
What is your gang name?: HBKWhat is your user ID?: 16608When was your gang created?: 08/06/20Tell us your gang backstory: HBK has been a gang that's been around for quite a long time, it has many dedicated members making it more of a family rather than a gang alone where everyone is just acquaintances; we're a family but also business. HBK was made as a business gang with many impressive high-quality services that it has offered over an amount of time, I have created this gang to have a place for the people within the community at the time to have a society/community to be included within to help them rise within the already made community, HBK was made as a home, a family but still offer business ideas with other businesses which have made us quite close with many of the people within CMG that have power. Although HBK is not just a business, we also consider ourselves as a crime family where we commit murder, kidnapping and many other crimes. There are multiple sectors of HBK where we give a lot to the community, it was also made for it to be a gang where people can relax and have fun whereas many other gangs are quite stressful. It was made around 8th June 2020 and was renamed from a different gang back during March although we have never had extreme falls; the gang has always been stable within members and money so we mainly do things to help the community within CMG. The main people who founded HBK were me (Jenny) and two other people named Alex and Kelvin although we've had dedicated members throughout the changes within the gang are also still with us today such as members like Jordan. Our backstory provides that we are a multinational gang with mainly British routes of crime that has ascended within the past 2020 year. What RP does your gang predominaly do?: The business deals that HBK offers is either of illegal drugs under ground, flipping cars, guns or we offer many other services due to our different sectors within the gang. Our sectors include Purveyor; this means that they sell goods such as guns, vehicles, houses or they sell drugs underground. Conveyor of Investiture; this role within the gang recruits new members and keeps an eye on the new recruits. Espionage; kidnapping other gang members for the reason of intel or on request from other gangs. We do many different sectors of roleplay although most of it is mainly just general business roleplay where we have many different sectors around the city and round the city, we have got our own casino which is opened to the public therefore we can roleplay as security guards, owner and applicated roles to the members. We offer rentals of super cars and general vehicles such as trucks. Our rivals also play a part into roleplay and the roleplay consists of mainly attempting to take them down within redzones or attempting to infiltrate within roleplay reasons any events they host or whenever we come into contact with them. Many of us also are very fun, love to party and have different personalities although all having good qualities.What does your gang bring to CMG?: Our gang brings roleplay, business and fun. The business can bring a lot of opportunities for good role play, especially the police force that we can create scenarios with. Our gang will bring a sense of community with each other and will bring the community together as we're all a very friendly lot with good roleplay skills as we all enjoy the roleplay but we also offer protection within turfs, such as Heroin or LSD to protect the grinders that sell within it for no commission with low turf commission as well, as we want to bring everyone together. Our gang also offers many unique opportunities for the people within CMG. We also provide many more services such as super car rental, with other vehicle rentals along side such as trucks and helicopter. We also bring amazing people together to create an amazing family where there is little to no conflict between each other. Gang rivalry is also brought especially between Montana and HBK, which was originally sparked by alliance. What idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk?: Lock picking so we're able to steal other people's cars and break into their boots also break into houses and take stuff from their houses inventory to gather intel or items to trade within business, also being able to deliver the cars to a chop shop. If this is not possible then, we'd like to have a percentage from the losses within our casino. Another idea we have thought about which could be hard to obtain, it is a gun shop for our gang members where we can obtain guns or ammo for guns at a discounted price as we have a lot of whitelists. Otherwise, we can discuss other ideas of whitelisted perks. Gang locked vehicle: Will DM or discuss further. Gang locked weapon: Divined is going to design them. Gang locked HQ: Divined is going to design them.Please post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): Please post your gang roster: Jenny Docta Divined Roberto Young Johan Kairuku Pirxia Lynchy Aadil Adam Brandon Fabbe Fizzle KindaInsane Malborg Noah Poji TriggR Ky RRenzzI confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules.: Yes
What is your gang name?: The Givenchy Crime FamilyWhat is your user ID?: 123364When was your gang created?: 05/10/20Tell us your gang backstory: The Givenchy Crime Family originate from Sicily, Italy, moving to Brooklyn New York in the 1920s. However they have become too hot for America as the FBI is getting closer to catching them and the head of the family being killed so they have moved to London in search of a new start, the start of a new empire. The boss of the givenchy family joseph givenchy who was assinated in his apartment in brooklyn by a rival family known as the colombos he was killed in 1964 which then his son Micky Givenchy Cohen took the oath and became the new Boss of the givenchy crime family who is a hot headed power hungry character looking to gain as much power as possible. The family always have eachothers back however if someone walks away from the life they will be executed. The mafia had many ways in which they would make money , running casinos , providing protection to those who could not goto the police , and controlling the union they had alot of power at one point until the FBI and were way ahead of the police until at some time the FBI began to catch up on the mafia and began planting bugs to gain evidence in order to put them in court and have them jailed for their horrible crimes. The mafia then recently moved to the united kingdom as the heat was way too much on them and the FBI was about to put them all in for life until the heat is down they wont be going back to brookyln new york anytime soon.What RP does your gang predominaly do?: The rp we provide we try to give an authenic mafia expereince for example we control all the businesses in the main city part what comes in , what comes out . We also extort gangs in the city too and we provide protection for those who cannot ask for protection from the police as they are criminals themselves. We stricly do not deal with any drugs as the mafia was against drugs in the early 90s. Respect is one thing which is very important in the mafia if a made man is disrepcted by a non made man then huge consqences will occur to that personWhat does your gang bring to CMG?: Well when we started to roleplay we also noticed it encouraged some other gangs to roleplay with us and thats what led to us creating the commision which is 3 gangs which control seperate territories and have come toegther to dominate the whole country and control all businesses within the country. There are sometimes gangs who wish to rival us but we have made an example of a few gangs so that others would comply with us and do what we ask of them . We are also apart of the commision which is 3 gangs which have come together (hitsquad , kray firm and givenchys ) and together the entire country is controlled by us here is a picture of this. idea do you have for your whitelisted gang perk?: An italian wine which if you drink gives you a special ability like 50% armor it would work like the whiskey in game but instead once you drink it give you 50% extra armor with a cooldown to balance it out OR gives you faster speedPlease post a screenshot of your proposed gang outfit(s): post your gang roster: ElChapo#7016 Alec#8962 noahd565#8450 Jappie#3051 stoxee#5631 floppy#0328 Fzde#0005 Jackkk#0434 Sour#0482 MrTaco#7519 𝓢𝓮𝓽𝓱#0001 B-Hum#0490 Rainnn#0001 Clint#7785 darius.z#5909 confirm I have read and understand the whitelisted gang rules.: Yes