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Everything posted by MrMikeyTV

  1. You can appeal the ban here - https://cmgstudios.net/forums/index.php?/forms/4-unban-appeal/
  2. We do not do account deletions. Just don't use the account moving forward.
  3. Please submit a bug report in relation to this
  4. Hi Harvey, Try leaving and rejoining the Discord and also try the below: To verify on discord while in game. Once in game open F2 settings and go to change linked discord. Copy Discord ID, should look like this. Example: 939198629091086386 Paste that into changed linked discord. They then need to leave and rejoin CMG discord.
  5. MrMikeyTV


    Hi Vibin, This graphics pack would not work on CMG - My best advice is to use NVE instead
  6. Hi Dean, I am unsure if this has been resolved, I know we have discussed this in DMs but CMG does not offer account recovery.
  7. Hi Moppahh, Feel free to submit a bug report on this
  8. Hi Replace, If this is still an issue send me a DM on Discord - MrMikeyTV
  9. Hi Hazz, Open a Game Support ticket in the Support Discord if you are having issues - discord.gg/cmgsupport
  10. +1 for Sixth Sense - Good RP - Sixth Sense are consistently working for good RP and are one of the leaders when it comes to this. They aren't afraid to get involved in storylines and they are willing to work out of character with individuals in other gangs to ensure that the roleplay improves. - Active - Within the gangs on CMG I would say London Underworld and Sixth Sense are by far the most active gangs within the city. They are regularly having situations, being active with other gangs and genuinely working to maintain a high level of activity within the server. - External Issues - Sixth Sense has had a few out of character issues with other gangs however, they have been able to overcome these and work with other gangs to resolve these issues. The amount of external issues has dropped dramatically in the last week or two and this is the type of gang you want to have as whitelist; a gang that recognises their issues, works on them and then works with other gangs on their issues. - "Building Up" - Sixth Sense are not afraid to help the smaller gangs and get them involved in their stories. Regularly conducting meetings, deals and other roleplay storylines as well as hosting boxing events, I think a whitelisted gang needs to be one that is willing to involve other gangs in situations. Overall, Sixth Sense have had their issues, but so has every other gang. They have been easy to work with and have supported the community guys in everything we're doing whilst also ensuring that they are trying to improve things all round. They are one of the top gangs in the city, and should 100 percent be a whitelisted gang within CMG.
  11. keegan is a cutie. that is all.

  12. +1 Since the Triads came to be within CMG, they have been nothing but consistent and having good roleplay. They don't just go to war over nothing, and they are genuinely invested in the RP within CMG. For example, there is not a hunger/thirst option within the city therefore along with Ace Cartel, they had some restaurant RP earlier today where everybody enjoyed a nice dinner and it didn't turn into any rulebreaks etc. In my opinion, they are the most organised and genuine organisation within the city - even more than some current whitelisted gangs and they can contribute heavily to consistent RP in future.
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