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Posts posted by Freddie.

    1. Name: Freddie
    2. Perm ID : 1000
    3. Duration of ban? : Perm
    4. Why do you think you're eligible for an unban? : My journey in CMG Began in 2020as a complete newcomer to FiveM. I, like many others, had no idea what i was doing but i had a blast playing it and over the months, i met new people , joined various gangs and found myself in various friendship groups. I experienced personal growth not just as a player but also as an individual, beyond what I could’ve imagined playing a game would get me. Quarantine brought about incredible memories that continue to resonate with me, and it also introduced me to people who taught me invaluable lessons; Only today can I sit and understand the impact that CMG has had on my character.
      When I started playing, I wanted to do what I could do to in a way “Complete” CMG In every way I could; I spent months gaining money grinding lsd also at which I thoroughly enjoyed. However, As time went on I began to mix with the wrong groups of people and I found myself with a group of people that wanted to cause chaos in the server instead of letting it flourish. As people around us began to cheat, frustration grew and the group of people I was playing with did the same thing, selling all their stuff and going on a rampage. Fortunately while most of my mates did this, I chose not to follow in their footsteps which I didn’t regret.
      As CMG Continued to flourish I was happy with how far I’d come, however with all of my friends perma’d or left to do something else, I felt pretty empty and alone, with not much point in playing anymore, I made the egregious choice to cheat myself. At the time, I knew that I’d come to regret it but I think I was blinded by the belief that the fact that everyone else doing it made it okay. Of course, having been around 2 years now since being banned I understand how dumb that mentality is, but I hope you can appreciate my honesty in my justification.
      I deeply regret it, and even though it was so long ago I still find myself wanting to return, and now more than ever, as I see my old friends coming back to the server and having a great time. Having been such a long time since I was banned, I’ve matured enough now to see my idiotic mistake, and would really appreciate another chance so I can jump back on with my friends and have another fresh opportunity to be part of the community again. I aspire to return as a reformed individual, ready to create new memories with the people who have shared some of my most cherished moments with already - It’s thanks to them that I find myself writing this appeal and wanting to come back and have fun all over again, just this time in a more respectable way.
      Thanks for your patience
    5. What rules(s) did you break? : Cheating
    6. What was the reason for the ban?: Cheating
    7. Have you ever attempted to Ban evade this Ban? : Yes
    8. Screenshot your ban message:

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