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Posts posted by Jaysling


    1. What is your gang/organisation name?: The Givenchy Crime Family
    2. What is your user ID?: 277
    3. When was your gang/organisation created?: 13/10/20
    5. What RP does your gang predominantly do?:
    6. We are Italian/New York Mafia based RP, we are incredibly diverse when it comes to what character you want to be, Majority of our members attempt to speak in an Italian/New York accent, we RP with other gangs/organizations, and we try our best to involve the civilian community by picking up random people on the street and introducing them to the RP scene. In Givenchy, there are many traditions, 1 of which is called the Oath of Omerta, this is when a Soldier becomes an associate and takes the Oath to the family so that they obligate themselves to the family and make a sworn promise to never betray or be disloyal. When it comes to what types of RP we do, we tend to apply ourselves to any RP that is available as the RP scene is not yet at high capacity, our family has been around CMG for 3 years, we have been through it all, we want to involve as many civilians in the RP as possible, we are looking to hopefully purchase an MLO in the distant future and have a pizzeria, as a front /legal business. All the RP varies from Legal to illegal, we offer a variety of weapons, luxurious cars and drugs, drug deals take place most of the time with other gangs/families, and our legal RP varies from relationships with lawyers, shop/store owners and casino employees, we tend to do our local giving back to the community every once in a while, by giving out money to random civilians that show up that provide good reasons, we hope to bring much more RP in the future after this Notable Gang venture. One of largest sections of RP is the relationships we hold for each family member, for example, around a year ago a family member had been flown out of the city in a body bag, we hosted a funeral and were supported by hundreds of the CMG community at the grave yard, This is our intention, to try and involve the public community as much as possible in order to expand the current RP scene and give more reasons for people to be interested in it.
    8. Where does your group reside? (Gang area/MLO):
    9. Our first and legally documented location is Eclipse towers aqua 1, an apartment that has been passed down through generations of Givenchy bosses, from my micky/boss before me. This is a place where the family can link up and reside, As well as being extremely safe as the doorman will let no one through, they will have to ring the bell. Our second location is a base of operations, the Arcade bunker owned by Givenchy investor Tanner/Rennat, this is more for our parties or hideaways that we would need a safe space to stay low. Our locations are spread in mainly the city part as that is where we conduct most of our business, we will update MLO locations/residence on our roster sheet.

      1st Location - Eclipse Tower aqua 1

      2nd location - Arcade Bunker
    10. What is your gang/organisation primary colour?: Red and Black


  2. MASSIVE +1
    This gang has not been up for long, but has some how amassed to more than majority gangs CMG has ever seen, if anyone deserves a whitelist it is these guys, since I met Supreme and Yaba our relationship started out rough, but I can gladly say that through RP and much beef, I have come to see that these guys truly want the best for CMG, and that means expanding RP in a way that hasn't been done for a long time, big up the whole London Underworld, Sorry if I missed anybody but everyone in London underworld has made a huge impact and I am very happy for them to be applying for this whitelist today. 

    - RoleyPoley On Top Lads

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