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  1. Past hour
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  3. If they are not answering the best thing to do is make a unban appeal and explain what is going on in the appeal they will look into it pretty quickly
  4. Yesterday
  5. they never answer me broski been waiting a month now
  6. Last week
  7. Congratulations your Notable Gang application has been accepted!To proceed, please open a ticket in the RP Support discord.
  8. yoooo hoe long till i can play cmg again 


  9. Message a member of staff through the discord preferably admin +
  10. Theres proof of you guys using it more than once by different memebers ( u guys dont use them anymore )
  11. *used (one time by a member who is no longer with us)
  12. Yo my g, would appreciate if u replied to my ban ticket please. thanks been waiting a bit have a good one


  13. +1 Active gang within the city always providing RP but uses Car helis within RP
  14. Earlier
  15. I got muted on the discord i understand why i was muted, i was very lucky to get let off with a perm mute but i feel like i've learnt my lesson, it's extremely frustrating when i need to do something on the discord, i am extremely sorry for what i put in the messages and it will never happen again as i play the server again (wasn't sure where to put this so it's a mix of a question and a appeal) Discord Name: stupidotter Discord user ID: 671053217479655476
  16. -1 Dunno any rules and they cant shoot straight
  17. How have u said that i need to write more? i dont understand like. i wrote 4 paragraphs in depth. u want me to write my life story or somet xd?


  18. My ban appeal got accepted by HQ but the same ban message keeps coming up when I try to connect to the server can someone call me or please help me on what I need to do
  19. big plus 1 good waffle gang good to talk to super good application does very good at role play From dribbly bum Enforcer in the lost mc
  20. Hi so i played the server for the first time like 6 months ago and back then i was in the discord but since then i have switched discord accounts and left the server i have came back now but i dont know how to verify into the server if any mods or anyone could help would be very gratefull
  21. Ghost1x

    unban appeal

    Just need to wait in teamspeak, Have your name as "YOUR NAME" - Ashy, just need to wait, she's really busy with other stuff TeamSpeak IP - ts.cmgstudios.net
  22. +1 very serious with rp and a very all round amazing gang
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