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Police Application Form

  • What's your in game name? (This will be your officers name? 

  • Enter your Discord ID e g. Andy.#1000

  • Enter your Perm ID (/getmyid in game)

  • Remember, we only accept applications above the age of 16.

  • Roughly how many hours are you available a week? 

  • (Check via the Home Menu in Game) (Remember you must have 200 hours if you are 16+)

    or   All / None

  •  100 words minimum 

  • 100 words minimum

  • 75 words minimum

  • Choose Single File...
    Or drag and drop your file here Max file size: 5MB

    (Upload a photo of your F10 in game)

    or   All / None

    As a officer of the law you'll be expected to not only abide by the rules and regulations set by the Metropolitan Police, but also all CMG server rules at all times.

    or   All / None

  • I confirm that I. the applicant will abide by all police rules, regulations and guidance given to me i will abide by all server rules of which i have read. I confirm I have read all material given to me. Or i will prior interview, I understand that breaking police specific, or CMG rules may result in the blacklisting of myself in the PD at the discretion of the gold command team. i understand that taking any police equipment whilst on-duty result in being blacklisted from PD and with the potential of being banned from an amount of time due to the associated rule breaks.

    By confirming the above I understand that it may take up to 1 week for my application to be reviewed by gold command team within PD. and full F10 review will be complete.

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